The Maison Ousmane SOW was created thanks to the support of the following partners:
Eiffage: Its headquarters had become a second home for the artist. He presented his creations there as from January 1999, a period when the company had supported the exhibition on the Dakar cornice. This exhibition was a preview of the one at the Pont des Arts
Air France: The Company organized a press trip to Dakar for this preview, which contributed to the success of the exhibition at the Pont des Arts.
RFI: The artist's favorite channel, has always followed and supported Ousmane Sow's work, offering him an international outreach through its channels.
ADAGP, “Société des Auteurs dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques” (Society of Authors in Graphic and Plastic Arts): Ousmane Sow has been a member since he started presenting his works.
CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers): He was a highly motivated vice-president for the defense of copyright and particularly resale rights.
The French Institute, formerly known as the French Cultural Center: It hosted his first exhibition and organized a magnificent international tribute to the artist in the spring of 2017.
The CSE (Compagnie Sahélienne d'Entreprises): The President Aliou Sow who was Ousmane Sow’s friend, died a year after the latter’s death and their respective children extended the relationship between the two men.